Publications from Anti-Racism Lab's Network Collaborators


Sawyer, L., & Clarke, K. (2025). Local Memory, City Walking, and Exploring Walking Social Work Pedagogies in Fresno, California and Gothenburg, Sweden. Journal of Teaching in Social Work45(1), 105–124.

Keet A. & Tate S (forthcoming) Racism’s knowledge. African Sun Press.


Belluigi, D. Z., & Keet, A. (Eds.) (2024). Emancipatory imaginations: advancing critical university studies. African Sun Media.

Keskinen, S., Alemanji, A. A., & Seikkula, M. (2024). Introduction: Race,(b) ordering and disobedient knowledge. In Race, bordering and disobedient knowledge (pp. 1-22). Manchester University Press.

Keskinen, S., Alemanji, A. A., & Seikkula, M. (Eds.). (2024). Race, bordering and disobedient knowledge: Activism and everyday struggles in Europe. Manchester University Press.

Keskinen, S., & Himanen, M. (2024). Human rights, criminalisation of migrants and racism debates: Public discussions about police stops and ethnic profiling in Finland. In The Politicization of Police Stops in Europe: Public Issues and Police Reform (pp. 147-169). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

Keskinen, S. (2024). Memory, epistemological justice and disobedient knowledge: Narrating Nordic histories in postethnic activism and art. In Race, bordering and disobedient knowledge: Activism and everyday struggles in Europe (pp. 45-63). Manchester University Press.

TAVARES, Breitner Luiz; BARBOSA, Caio da Silva. Saúde mental de estudantes negros: um escopo global da literatura. 2024.

Gareau, P. L. (2024). Critical Indigenous Approaches to the Study of Religion. Indigenous Religious Traditions2(1).

Gareau, P. L., & Swain, M. (2024). Indigenous knowledges. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Religion.

Rodríguez, E. G. (2024). Translation as Decolonial Method: On the (Un) translatability of Human Rights Demands and the Coloniality of Migration in Refugee Protest in Germany. In Translation and Decolonisation: Interdisciplinary Approaches (pp. 135-153). Routledge.

Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, E., Cárdenas, M., Ehrich, C. (2024). Gleichstellungspolitik der Diversität dekolonisieren – Hochschule im Spannungsverhältnis von Diversität, Rassismuskritik und Kolonialität. In: Le Breton, M., Burren, S., Bachmann, S. (eds) Differenzkritische Perspektiven auf Fachhochschulen und Universitäten. Beiträge zur Regional- und Migrationsforschung. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Gutiérrez Rodríguez, E. (2024). Zeitlich-Räumliche Verflechtungen – Diskursiv-Materielle Verknüpfungen. Eine kritische gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektive auf globale Ungleichheit in der Sorge- und Hausarbeit in Westeuropa. In: Santos, F., Ruvituso, C. (eds) Globale Soziologie. Neue Soziologische Theorie. Springer VS, Wiesbaden.

Gutiérrez Rodríguez, E. (2024). 8. Precarious Inclusion: Refugees in Higher Education in Germany. In Y. Abu-Laban, M. Frishkopf, A. Kirova & R. Hasmath (Ed.), Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees (pp. 167-194). Athabasca: Athabasca University Press.

James, C. E.(2024). Race, community, and doing sociology. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 61(1) DOI:10.1111/cars.12474

James, C. E., & Asres, M. (2024). Negotiating University, Fulfilling the Dream: The Case of Black Students. Genealogy8(3), 115.

Shah, V., James, C. E., Logan, C., & Cardoza, D. (2024). Community-school-university partnerships: possibilities for activism and racial justice. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 1–26.

Tate, S. A (2024) Second Edition. Decolonising Sambo: Transculturation, Fungibility and Black and People of Colour Futurity. Bingely, UK: Emerald.

Andersen, C. (2024). Ghosts in the Machine: Possessive Selves, Inert Kinship, and the Potential Whiteness of “Genealogical” Indigeneity.Genealogy 2024, 8(4), 132;

Boyer, K & Anderson, C. (2024). Defining a Nation: Métis Nation Building in the Face of Epistemic Injustice. Kurtis Boyer and  Chris Andersen.Native American and Indigenous Studies.Volume 11, Issue 2, Fall 2024.pp. 71-94 http://doi.10.1353/nai.2024.a936807

Da Costa, A. E. (2024). “Relationship-building” and the Normalization of Police in Schools: The Emergence of School Resource Officer Programs in Canada. Critical Education15(3), 21-42.

Tate, S. A (2024) Second Edition. Decolonising Sambo: Transculturation, Fungibility and Black and People of Colour Futurity. Bingely, UK: Emerald.

Keskinen, Suvi, Alemanji, Aminkeng A. & Seikkula, Minna (eds) (2024) Race, Bordering and Disobedient Knowledge. Activism and Everyday Struggles in Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press.


Da Costa, D. (2023). Writing Castelessly: Brahminical Supremacy in Education, Feminist Knowledge, and ResearchMeridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism.  

Andreassen, R., Lundstrom, C., Keskinen, S and Tate, S. A (2023) The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies. London: Routledge

Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, E. (2023). Decolonial Mourning and the Caring Commons: Migration-Coloniality Necropolitics and Conviviality Infrastructure. Anthem Press.

Tate, S. A. (2023) From Post-Intersectionality to Black Decolonial Feminism: Black Skin Affections. London/Oxford: Routledge

Andreassen, R., Lundström, C., Keskinen, S., & Tate, S. A. (Eds.). (2023). The Routledge international handbook of new critical race and whiteness studies. Abingdon: Routledge.(co-editor 25%)

Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism BIPOC Europe 22, 1, May 2023 (Tate, S. A. co-guest edited with Nana Osei-Kofi)

Tate, S. A. ‘Serena Williams and anti-Black woman hate: Contempt, love, friendship, shame’ In Todd W. Reeser (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect. London: Routledge 2023 DOI: 10.4324/9781003045007-9

 'Black women academics, research funding and institutional misogynoir in the United Kingdom' in S. Acker, O.Ylijoki, and M. McGinn (eds) The Social Production of Research: Perspectives on Funding and Gender.London/ New York: Routledge.

‘If you were a white man they would have negotiated with you the minute you were approached’: Bodies of value in academic life’ in Rikke Andreassen, Catrin Lundström and Suvi Keskinen (eds) The Routledge International Handbook of New Critical Race and Whiteness Studies. London/ New York: Routledge: 2023 

Zakharov, N., Tate, S. A., Law, I., & Bernardino-Costa, J. (2023). Futures of Anti-Racism: Paradoxes of Deracialization in Brazil, South Africa, Sweden, and the UK. Springer Nature. 


Patel, S.A., and Da Costa, D. (2022) “We Cannot Write About Complicity Together”: Limits of Cross-Caste Collaborations in Western Academy, Engaged Scholar Journal, 8(2), 1-27.

Da Costa, A. E. (2022) Whiteness and damage in the education classroom, Whiteness and Education, 1-17.

Patel, S. A and Nath, N. (2022). “What Is Pedagogic about ‘Settler of Colour’? White Universities and Ethics of Decolonial Work for Non-Black People of Colour,” in Gebhard, A, McLean, s and St. Denis, V (eds) Whiteness at Work: Disturbing Practices of Racism Across the Canadian Prairies. Canada: Fernwood.

Ibrahim, A., Kitossa, T., Smith, M. S., & Wright, H. K. (Eds.) (2022). Nuances of Blackness in the Canadian Academy: Teaching, Learning, and Researching while Black. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Keskinen, Suvi (2022) Mobilising the Racialised 'Others'. Postethnic Activism, Neoliberalisation and Racial Politics. London: 

Tate, S. A (2022, May 23) 'Decolonising racialised knowledge: how can we be stewards of another future?', Emerald Publishing.

Lugosi, N., N. Patrie, and K. Cromwell. (2022). “Theorizing and implementing meaningful Indigenization: Wikipedia as an opportunity for course-based digital advocacy.” Critical Studies in Education, Online First: 1-17. 

Tate, S. A. (2022) Serena Williams and Anti-Black Woman Hate: Contempt, Love, Friendship and Shame, in Reeser, T (eds) The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect. London: Routledge

Tate, S. A. and Gutiérrez-Rodríguez , E. (2022) Palgrave Handbook of Critical Race and Gender. Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Gareau, P. L (2022). “Pilgrimage as Peoplehood: Indigenous Relations and Self-Determination at Places of Catholic Pilgrimage in Mi’kma’ki and the Métis Homeland.” Material Religion 18 (1): 1–18.

Schecter, S. R and James, C. E (eds.) (2022) Critical Approaches Toward a Cosmopolitan Education. New York: Routledge.



James, C. E. (2021). Colour matters: Essays on the experiences, education, and pursuits of Black youth. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Tavares, B., Tate, S.A. Bernardino Costa, J. and Lino Gomes N. (eds)Special Issue Guest Editors) ABPN 13 (37) June -August 2021Dossiê Temático: Educação Superior E Transformação Social: Descolonização E Igualidade Racial

Tavares, B., Tate, S.A.,  Bernardino Costa, J. and Lino Gomes, N. (2021) ‘Apresentação- Educação Superior e Transformação Social: Decolonidade e igualdade racial’, ABPN 13 (37) June-August : 4-17

Tate, S. A. (2021). “Why Me?”–Questions of Racial Equity and Institutional Racism in Academia. TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, 44, 1-9.

Keskinen, S (2021) Antiracist Feminism and the Politics of Solidarity in Neoliberal Times. In Keskinen, S, Stoltz, P & Mulinari, D (eds) Feminisms in the Nordic Region. Neoliberalism, Nationalism and Decolonial Critique. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Tate, S. A. (2021). “I do not see myself as anything else than white”: Black resistance to racial cosplay blackfishing. In Craig, M. L (eds) The Routledge Companion to Beauty PoliticsOxon: Routledge

Georgis, M. & Lugosi-Schimpf, N. (2021). Indigenising International Relations: Insights from Centring Indigeneity in Canada and Iraq. Millennium Journal of International Studies, 50(1), 174-198.

Gareau, P. L. (2021). “Mary and the Métis: Religion as a Site for New Insight in Métis Studies.” In Adese, J and Andersen, C (eds) A People and a Nation: New Directions in Contemporary Métis Studies. Vancouver: UBC Press.

James, C. E. (2021). “The Jamaicans are here and working”: Race and community responses. In Keyes, D & Aguiar, L.L.M (eds). White Space: Race, Privilege, and Cultural Economies of the Okanagan Valley. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 193 - 218.

Gareau, P. L (2021, September 9). Indigenous Religions and Spiritualities in Canada. Eurel: Sociological and Legal Data on Religions in Europe and Beyond.

James, C. E. & Howard, P. S. S. (2021). Multiculturalism, Multicultural Education, and Racialized Students in Canada. In S. Jornitz & M. Parreira do Amaral (Eds). Handbook on the Education Systems of the Americas, Global Education Systems, Copenhagen: Springer

Gareau, P. L. (2021) “Storied Places and Sacred Relations: Métis Density, Lifeways, and Indigenous Rights in the Declaration.” In Gareua, P and Schweitzer, D. (eds) Honouring the Declaration: Church Commitments to Reconciliation and the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, 131–58. Regina, SK: University of Regina Press.

James, C. E & Parekh, G. (2021). Fixed trajectories? Race, schooling and graduation from a Southern Ontario university. Canadian Journal Higher Education, 51(4), 67-84. 


Tate, S. A (2020) First Edition. Decolonising Sambo: Transculturation, Fungibility and Black and People of Colour Futurity. Bingely, UK: Emeral

Schclarek M. L. & Keskinen, S (2020) Racial Profiling in the Racial Welfare State – Examining the Order of Policing in the Nordic Region. Theoretical Criminology, 26(3)

James, C. E. (2020). Racial inequity, COVID-19 and the education of Black and other marginalized students. Impacts of COVID-19 in Racialized Communities

Gareau, P. L. (2020). “The Army of Mary: Quebec Nationalism and Catholic Heterodoxy.” In Palmer, S. J., Geoffroy, M. and Gareau, P. L (eds) The Mystical Geography of Quebec, 55–83. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. 

Palmer, S., Martin G, and Gareau, P. L. (2020.) The Mystical Geography of Quebec: Catholic Schisms and New Religious Movements. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature.


Da Costa, D, and Da Costa, A. E. (2019) Introduction: Cultural production under multiple colonialisms, Cultural Studies, 33(3), 343-369

James, C. E. (2019). Black leadership and White logic: Models of community engagement. In T. Kitossa, P.

Howard, P. S. S. & James, C. E. (2019): When dreams take flight: How teachers imagine and implement an environment that nurtures Blackness at an Africentric school in Toronto, Ontario, Curriculum Inquiry, 49(3), 1-25.  

James, C. E (2019, August, 26) The crisis of anti-Black racism in schools persists across  generations.  The Conversation.

Keskinen, S. (2019) Intra-Nordic Power Relations, Colonial/Racial Histories and National Narratives: Re-Writing Finnish History. Scandinavian Studies, 90(1-2), 163-181. 

Gareau, Paul L., Spencer C. Bullivant, and Peter Beyer, eds. (2019). Youth, Religion, and Identity in a Globalizing Context: International Perspectives. Youth in a Globalizing World Series. Leiden: Brill.

Kermoal, Nathalie, & Paul L. Gareau. 2019. “Réflexions Sur l’autochtonisation Des Universités, Un Cours à La Fois.” Cahiers Franco-Canadiens de l’Ouest. 31 (1): 71–88.